
Your Pretty Details

February 7, 2024

What is one thing most brides spend A LOT of time on when preparing for their wedding? DETAILS. From the smallest ones like the jewelry you will wear on your wedding day to the big ones like the decor. Today we will be talking about the details photos we photographers take while you’re getting ready.

Now there are a few different ways you can have your details done (depending on how much time you and your photographer have together as well as how your timeline looks like). First up we have the Bride’s details!

As you can tell by the name these details theses type of photos focus on the brides details. Here are a list of things that can be included in your detail shots.

  • Rings: Your Engagement ring (if you have one), your wedding band, and your fiancĂ©’s wedding band (his wedding band does not have to be there)
    • It’s ok if you don’t have a ring box make sure to ask your photographer if they have one to use during the detail shots or you can also find some pretty ones on amazon!
  • Invitations: If you sent out wedding invitations to your guest make sure you save one for your photographer to use, your invitations can be used in your bridal details (You spent time on those wedding details too so of course we want to include them!)
  • Shoes: Your wedding shoes! Let’s show off those cute shoes! Whether they’re Jimmy Choos or a pair of vans you can include them in your Bridal details.
  • Jewelry: Besides having your rings in your Bridal details you can also include any other jewelry that you are wearing that day or a piece of jewelry that is sentimental to you.
  • Bridal Bouquet: If you have your bridal Bouquet with you then you can add that in your bridal details!
    • *NOTE* If you have something special on your bouquet that you want photos of please be sure to let your photographer know!
  • Veil or Headpiece: Your Veil can add a little pizzaz to your photos or even a filmy look if your photographer uses their veil with their lens
  • A Pretty Hanger: A Pretty hanger can elevate a photo so much, you can go the classic route and get a hanger that says bride or you can get one with your future name on it. Or you can go simple with a wooden hanger or a plush hanger
  • Vow Books/Letters: If you and your FiancĂ© have vow books or have letters written to each other these can also be included in your bridal details
  • Perfume: If you have a scent that you’re wearing on your wedding day you can also include the bottle in your detail photos
  • Extra Flowers: Talk to your Florist before hand and ask them for and let over flowers, these flowers can add

Now on to the grooms Details! The grooms details are a little more simple (or as simple as you want them to be)

  • Shoes: Just like the brides shoes whether they are Gucci or Converse bring them on!
  • Tie or Bowtie: If you’re not wearing one then no worries! There are grooms who don’t don’t wear either.
  • Boutonniere: (If your groom is wearing one) The bride had her bouquet the groom has his Boutonniere
  • Pocket Handkerchief: If you are wearing wearing a handkerchief then this is a nice opportunity to get some close up of it!
    • *NOTE* if you have something written on it and you want it captured let your photographer know
  • Watch: can be a cool pocket watch, a regular mechanical watch or your digital watch (If you have a digital watch be sure to have a nice face on the screen)
  • Cuff Links: These can be the ones you are wearing or totally different ones
  • Ring(s): Just like for the bridal details we will use the grooms ring in the detail shots
    • If you have the bridals rings these can be included to!
  • Cologne: If you have a special cologne for your special day you can include this as well
  • Vow Book/Letter: you can have just your vow book/letter or both!
  • Something personal: Do you have something that you like or that you hold dear to you? Incorporate it into your details!
    • Examples: A dog tag with something written on it, ticket stubs from a favorite date, a polaroid photos of the you both, or something from your favorite hobby

The last type of details that you can do is combining both bride and groom details. You can combine things on both these list and have your detail photos done together, showing items from both bride and groom.

Now one thing to keep in mind when thinking about what to included in your details is, they are your details. You can add what you want to them. No two wedding detail photos are the same, these details are about you and what you want to show. This list that I gave you is merely just a list of suggestions of things you can include in your detail photos. Some people want more items included and others want less, and neither of those ways are wrong. Just remember, whatever you decide to do put your details in a box and when your photographer arrives give it to them. This will make these run smoother during the detail and getting ready photos.

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