
Wedding Day Emergency Kit

June 5, 2024

Wedding day emergency kit

The last thing you need on your wedding day is for something to go wrong, but of course you want to be prepared! No matter how big or small you should have one prepared for just incase, make sure you designate someone to carry it (if its small like a purse) or if it’s large have a designated place you can keep it! Here are a few things that you can include in your Wedding Day emergency bag!

What Types of bags You can use as your emergency bag.

First just some things you can keep in a small purse

Now if you plan on having a larger bag here are some extra’s that you can keep in a larger bag.

  • Extra Panty Hose
  • Extra Socks
  • Extra Laces
  • Extra tie/bow tie
  • Shoe Polish
  • Batteries
  • Snacks and Drinks

Now that that you have your kit put together who should carry it? Where should you keep it? Well if its something like a small purse you could designate your maid of honor, bridesmaid, or a trusted friend or family member to hold it (provided they dont stray too far from the bridal party. If it is a large bag like a duffle bag you can keep it in your bridal sweet, on your party bus, in your getaway car, or the coat check (if your venue has one).

Just note you do not NEED an emergency bag, but if you are a cautious person like I am you might want to keep one for piece of mind. If you have me as your photographer I will always have a small emergency kit with me (One of the many perks about booking with me 😉 ) so you if you choose not to have one theres no worries at all! My emergency kit just consist of Bandaids, Hair ties, a small sewing kit, bobby pins, and a tide stick.

What would you include in your bag? Would you add something not on this list?

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